NOT the Emperior's New Clothes
Personally I believe that being an artist is the pinnacle of humanity. Mastering the ability to speak to everyone through a universal medium no matter what corner of the Earth they are from is an awesome responsibility. When you think about it, every culture is defined by its artists. What we retain and gather, as a history is generally known through the art left by that society. Whether it is the paintings left on the walls of the buried bathhouses in Pompey or the hieroglyphics and fine artifacts left in the tombs of pharos to insure a gratifying afterlife. Art is the one thing that speaks to everyone. Art transcends time and ties us all together as the human race.
I don t believe that I chose to become an artist, I believe it chose me. Drawing, painting and sculpting have been with me from the time I was first able to think. And it s taken me a lifetime to refine this talent. That being said, there is nothing else I d rather do, it consumes me. However it s not easy. Making a living as an artist is hard work. Not just monetarily, but conveying a message by taking inanimate material and bringing it to life as something uniquely you, and then placing it in a public forum for others enjoyment, dismay or total disgust is not for the weak at heart. In fact for someone not granted an Artistic License the ability to not care if they re going off and doing something other than what everyone else likes or wants is cause for most people to seek professional help!
There is something out there for everyone, but I do feel there is good art and bad art.
Good art provokes emotion and thought. It will carry you into another time or place. It will allow the viewer to contemplate the world around them, readjust their present point of view, take them into a fantasy, and cause them to remember things they ve forgotten, and / or see things they have never imagined.
Bad art, well it s forgotten by the viewer in the amount of time that it takes them to look at something else. Some shit probably painted to go with the sofa and requires an elaborate story to convince them that this is what everyone else is getting at that moment.
The bulk of my art is done in an omnistic style. In a nut shell omnistic art incorporates the styles of surrealism, cubism, abstract, landscape, figure study, and art d'illusion d'optique into a single painting.
In many of my paintings, well more specifically the sand dune type, I teach the viewer to look at not just art but the people around them and their own lives with more of an open view. At first glance they may only see an abstract or cubistic landscape. I want them to look deeper and see what s underneath. The subtle curves of a female nude, an enduring embrace that society tends to shun or shy away from, a childhood fantasy that was wrenched away from us as we climbed the ladder from grade school to high school to collage to the corporate world. I want to enable everyone that looks at my work to be able to escape into a private sanctuary where there is always more to life than what we see at first glance. And if even one viewer can remember this than I have changed the world.
I would truly like to know what your opinion of my work is, good or bad. Sign my guest book at my online gallery.